Empowering new

Generations worldwide

to respond to the world challenges by supporting the development of open eLearning infrastructures to support free education for all. Provide opportunities for lifetime learning and develop capabilities to learn how to learn.”

– Mokhtar AMAMI



Professor Mokhtar Amami

My mission

How to counter our world challenges? How to alleviate the consequences of climate change and technological unemployment? How to escape the massive flow of migrants, induced climate change, world population growth, and the rise of populism?
The jobs of the 4IR require creativity, innovation, cognitive skills in science and technology, entrepreneurship-based education, and soft skills (communication, critical thinking, and leadership). Technological unemployment, starting to show its ugly head everywhere including in manufacturing China, and the lack of self-awareness about climate change should be at the heart of eLearning-based education systems. Data published by the United Nations, UNESCO, OECD, the World Economic Forum, the European community, the G20, many academics, and national organizations worldwide are all pointing to current education systems as the source of skill crisis, massive unemployment, particularly in developing countries, and the unpreparedness of young people for the future of work.

The mission of an open eLearning:

– Provides for all learners a creative learning environment where all students can explore their capabilities, achieve their dreams, develop skills/competencies to achieve productive/rewarding life, and become an active lifelong learners and global citizens actor to respond to the world challenges. It provides dynamic interaction, quality learning and training, support research, creative problem solving, and collaboration among students, teachers, professors, and researchers worldwide. Moreover, it brings new learning options and opportunities to learners who have diverse learning styles, needs, and require flexibility in their schedules whenever wherever they are at near zero cost.
– Facilities access to all students wherever whenever to enrich their learning, enhance their involvement and leadership, foster creativity/innovation, and become an active citizen and a social actor for transforming the world.
– Aims at developing value systems that value integrity, fairness, openness, and tolerance with attention to make decisions that does not harm others and the environment. It encourages lifelong pursuit of improving skills/competencies and acquiring knowledge helping learners to expand their understanding of the world through listening to various voices, and incorporating experiences done by others. The access to an open eLearning promotes collaboration and sharing and expand the domain of possibilities by removing
erected barriers. It also promotes the development of a kind of understanding of the world and enhancing trust through valuing cultural differences, identities, and perspectives.
– Opens a world of possibilities. It is an effective/efficient platform to allow
learners and educators around the world to interact, collaborate, and learn together how to live together and respond to our world challenges.
– Inspires community engagement and inclusive learning environments.
– Shapes learner’s life, profession, and involvement in society to become an active social actor.
– Allows the use of best practices, ensure quality learning, generate a kind of economies of scale through collecting, processing, analyzing, and disseminating information and knowledge throughout educations’ systems. Moreover, it creates a learning environment characterizing by instruction quality, faculty effectiveness, learner success and retention, and innovative curricula design and instructional technologies.
– Enhances collaboration across education systems allowing resources allocation and coordination, sharing best practices through prototyping, pilot projects, and deployment of innovative instructional technologies.
– Facilitates collaboration, cutting-edge technologies deployment, enhances
interactive digital learning and communication peer-to-peer, transforming teaching and learning by coordinating resources, and increases the effectiveness and efficiency of content delivery.

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