Short BIO

Professor Mokhtar Amami

Mokhtar AMAMI is an Emeritus Professor of Strategic Management of Technology and Supply Chain Management (RMC, Kingston, Canada).

He holds a Doctorat D’État ès Sciences Économiques (Sorbonne, Paris) and an Engineering degree from ENSAE Paris-Tech. He received a Post. Doc. Scholarship from The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and was Visiting Fellow in IT/MIS at the Sloan School of Management (MIT, USA). He is currently member of Business Science Institute Faculty.

He was professor of Economics, Strategic Management, Management of Technology, Supply Chain, and Entrepreneurship. He is the founder of “Congrès international entrepreneuriat-PME.” He is a Reviewer for Research Grants Council of Hong Kong and was a Reviewer for National Science Foundation on Decision Risk and Management Science (Washington, D.C.).

He was a Faculty Supervisor of World University Service of Canada (WUSC – 1980), a board member of many academic journals (Entrepreneurship, ICT, Economics) and is the author of books in economics, platform economy and many articles in information economics, ICT-based Supply Chain, eLearning, and project management.


His life in numbers

Administrative & Academic Responsibilities
Administrative & Academic Responsibilities
Graduate Student Supervision, Master’s and Doctoral levels
Graduate Student Supervision, Master’s and Doctoral levels
Teaching experience in several instituts and universities
Teaching experience in several instituts and universities

Compressed version

• Promotion Committee Chair (2008-2016)
• Hiring Committee Chair (2009-2016)
• Master of Business Administration Chair (1999-2004)
• Deputy Department Head (1995-2003)
• Chair of MBA Committee (1999-2003)
• Chair of Master of Defence Management & Policy Committee (1999-2000)
• Acting Head, Department of Business Administration (1999-2000)
• Master of Defence Management and Policy Chair (1999-2000)
• Department Head, Department of Administrative Sciences, CMR, St-Jean,
Québec, Canada.
• Chairman of the Computer Committee, CMR, St-Jean, Québec, Canada.

Post Doctoral Studies:
Visiting Fellow: Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology-MIT, Boston
Main Subject: Management of Innovations Technology, Management of Information
Systems & Strategic Management.
Two years Post-Doctoral Scholarships: Social Sciences and Humanities Research
council of Canada. 1982-1984.


Doctorat d’État en Sciences Économiques
Main Subjects: Economic Integration
Name of University: Sorbonne – Paris – France
Graduation: January 1977


Principal Engineer: ENSAE ParisTech -France
Specialisation: Statistician/Economist/Logistics
Main subjects: Mathematics Statistics/ Quality Control/Industrial Organization/ Data
Base Management & Economic Theory.
Institution: ENSAE ParisTech -France
Graduation: 1975


Diplôme d’Études Supérieures en Sciences Économiques de Doctorat
Main Subjects: Transportation/Logistics
Name of University: Sorbonne – Paris – France
Graduation: 1973

Licence en Sciences Économiques
Main subjects: Economics Planning and Management
University: Faculty of Law and Economics, Tunis University
Graduation: 1972


Professor in Mathematics and Physics
Main subjects: Mathematics – Physics
Name of University: École Normale Supérieure de Tunis, Tunis University
Graduation: 1969

  • Doctoral Scholarship (France): 1972-1975
  • Post-Doctoral (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of

1.Full Time: Royal Military College of Canada (RMCC); Date: 1984-2016

  • Graduate Primary Teaching Responsibilities: Management Information Systems, Strategic Management of Technology, Supply Chain Management, Strategic Management, LogisticsManagement and Design, Decision Support Systems.
  • Undergraduate Primary Teaching Responsibilities: Supply Chain Management, Strategic Management, Management Information Systems, Operation Management (I &II), Entrepreneurship, Logistics Management, Industrial Economics for Engineers, Advanced Probability & Statistics, International Management, Microeconomics, Quantitative Methods, Advanced Quantitative Methods.

2. Faculty member of Business Science Institute (Activities: Seminars and Supervision of Doctor Business Administration- DBA: 2012-Present)

3.Full Time: University of Quebec at Three Rivers, Quebec, Canada

  • Date: 1978-81
  • Primary Teaching Responsibilities: Industrial Economics for Engineers, Microeconomics, Project Management, Business Quantitative Methods.

4.Full Time: University of Montréal

  • Date: 1976-1977
  • Primary Teaching Responsibilities: Microeconomics

5.Part Time

  • University of Quebec at Montréal, Quebec, Canada
  • Date: 1984 -1990
    Primary Teaching Responsibilities: Computer Networks (Master degree level), Applied
    Statistics (Undergraduate level).

6.Visiting Professor

  • University of Paris Dauphine, Paris, France.
  • École Supérieure des Affaires, University Mendes France, Grenoble, France.
  • Institut de Commerce de Nancy, University of Nancy II, France.
  • Institut d’administration des Affaire, University of Nice, France.
  • University of Nantes, France.
  • University of Manouba, Tunis, Tunisia.
  • University of Gabes, Tunisia.

7.Curriculum Design and Development

i) Chair of a committee of five that developed a program for a Master’s degree in
Software Engineering (CMRC, St-Jean, Québec).
ii) Chair of the committee of three that developed the first MBA Supply Chain Management
Program (RMCC, Kingston, Ontario).
iii) Member of a committee of three that developed a program for a Master’s degree in
Management Science and Operation Research.
iv) Member of a committee of three that developed the first undergraduate program in
Business Administration (RMCC-Kingston, Ontario).

Information System AMIS – Consultant Strategic Management of Technology Montréal
(Canada) – 1986 to 2000

1.Appointment in Academic Board Journals

•Member of the Board of Systèmes d’Information et Management (SIM); (1996-present) (European Journal)
•Member of the Board of Information & Management (2009-present) (US Journal)
•Member of the Board of Management & Applied Economics Review (2015-present)
•Member of the Board of Information Systems Management & Innovation Journal (2016-present)
•Horizon Research Publishing (2012-present)
•Member of the Board of Social Management (2008-present) (European Journal)
•Member of the Board of Logistics Information Management, (2001- 2004) (British Journal)
•Membre du Comité Scientifique des Experts de la Revue Internationale PME, (1993-2014). Canadian Journal.
•Membre du Comité Scientifique de la Revue Sciences de Gestion (1999-2005)


2.Academic Initiatives, Distinctions & Responsibilities (High-level public or Professional service)

• President and Founder, International Congress on Entrepreneurship & Medium and Small Business (October 1993).
• Faculty Supervisor of World University Service of Canada (WUSC), 1980.
• Reviewer for National Science Foundation on Decision Risk and Management Science, Washington, D.C. (1987-1991).
• Reviewer Research Grants Council of Hong Kong, (1997-present)
• Président du Congrès de l’Association Information Management (June, 2002)
• President & Programme Chair of Mediterranean Conference of Information Systems (October, 2008)
• Programme Co-chair of Mediterranean Conference of Information Systems (September,2009)
• Président du Comité Scientifique du Colloque International de Management des Réseaux d’Entreprises (September, 1998).
• Plusieurs fois membre du Comité Scientifique du Congrès International PME.
• Plusieurs fois membre du Comité Scientifique de l’Association Information Management.
• Plusieurs fois membre du Comité Scientifique du Colloque International de Management des Réseaux d’Entreprises.
• President of the section “Resource Management and Manufacturing” of Congress Canadian Operational Research Society (1989-1990).
• Twice member of scientific committees, Congrès International de Génie Industriel
• Member of scientific committees of European Conference on Information Systems, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2004, 2005, 2006.
• Many times Member of scientific committees of Academic conferences and President of Academic workshops
• Many times member, president of PhD examination Jury.


3.Experience in Graduate Student Supervision: Master’s and Doctoral levels

Doctorates theses (Already defended):

  • Doctorante: Sana Ait Daoud (University of Montpellier, France)
    Thesis Title: Electronic Waste and Supply Chain Management. (Dissertation Written in French)
    The Defense of the thesis was held on the 29 November 2012
    Doctoral supervisor: Florenc Rodhain & Mokhtar Amami
  • Doctorante : Salma Fourati (University of Manouba, Tunis) Thesis Title: Synchronisation du SCM : rôle des technologies de l’information dans
    l’optimisation de la chaîne (Dissertation Written in French).
    Doctoral supervisor: Mokhtar Amami
    The Defense of the thesis was held on 11 December 2012 (Félicitations du Jury)
  • Doctorante: Tharwa Najar (University of Manouba, Tunis)
    Thesis Title: Interorganizational Relationships Climate and Interorganizational Information
    Systems Success: A Supply Chain Perspective (Dissertation Written in English).
    Doctoral supervisor: Mokhtar Amami
    The Defense of the thesis was held on the 10 December 2012 (Félicitations du Jury)
  • Doctorante: Ben Amor Dorsaf (University of Manouba, Tunis)
    Thesis Title: The appropriation and diffusion of electronic business and impact on supply
    chain management (Dissertation Written in English).
    Doctoral supervisor: Mokhtar Amami
    The Defense of the thesis was held on the 25 March 2014 (Félicitations du Jury)
  • Doctorante : Leila Ennajeh (University of Manouba, Tunis)
    Thesis Title : Logiciels Libres (OSS), Logiciels propriétaires et facteurs favorisant l’adoption
    (Dissertation Written in French).
    Doctoral supervisor: Mokhtar Amami
    The Defense of the thesis was held on the 24 March 2014 (Félicitations du Jury)
  • Three Doctorates “in the pipeline”


Supervision of Master theses (more than 45). The following areas are the most recent:

  • Technology Based entrepreneurship
  • e-Supply Chain Management
  • e-Business
  • Strategic Management: Design for the Future
  • Driving Forces for Open Innovation
  • Critical Competencies for successful Start-Ups
  • Agri-Food Supply Chain for Capturing Value by Small Agri-producers
  • Entrepreneurship & Social Enterprises in Sport
  • Inter-organizational Information Systems & Logistics Outsourcing
  • Service Oriented Architecture in Health Care
  • Emerging technologies & Supply Chain
  • Peer to Peer & Open Innovation

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1.Books, Proceedings & Editor of Special Issues


  1.  Amami, M. Responding to Our World Challenges The Education Solution for All (June, 2020) (eBook & Paper Book)
  2. Amami, M. Management of Supply Chain Technology (Forthcoming: September, 2020) (eBook & Paper Book)
  3. Amami, M. Integrated Supply Chain Management: Demand and Supply Chain Optimization(Completed, Under Review).


  • Amami, M. Microéconomie; Théories, critiques et exercices pratiques (Gaétan Morin, Québec,Canada) 415pp, (1980 – Avanced).
  • Amami, M. Microéconomie : Vol.1 Leçons Classiques, CPU. (2003 – Intermediary Level)
  • Amami, M. Microéconomie : Vol.2 Nouvelle Microéconomie, CPU. (2003 – Intermediary Level)
  • Amami, M Guide du Maître : Questions de réflexions et problèmes microéconomiques, CPU.(2003- Intermediary Level)


Proceedings Editor:

  1. Compétitivité des PME et marchés sans frontières, ed. by Mokhtar Amami, Samir Blili,Louis Raymond & Samira Chaker, Proceedings du Congrès Internationale PME. (November 1993)
  2. Commerce Électronique/Electronic Commerce, ed. by Gilles St-Amant & Mokhtar Amami, Proceedings du Colloque International de Management de réseaux d’Entreprises. (September,1998)
  3. e-Business and Knowledge Society, ed. By Mokhtar Amami, Moez Limayem & Florence Rodhain, Proceedings of Association Information Management. (June 2002).
  4. Mokhtar Amami. Proceedings of the Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems. (October, 2008).
  5. Ein-Dor, Phillip, Poulymenakou, Angeliki, & Amami, Moktar (Eds.) Proceedings of the 4th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, Department of Management Science & Technology, Athens University of Economics and Business. (September, 2009).

Editor of Special Issues (Journals):

  1. Les Enjeux du Commerce Électronique sur Internet, ed. (Special Issue) by Mokhtar Amami & Moez Limayem, Sciences de Gestion, No 5/6 Juin-Juillet, 2001.
  2. Compétitivité des PME et Marchés Sans Frontières, ed. (Special Issue) by Louis Raymond,Mokhtar Amami & Samir Blili, Revue Internationale de PME, No1, 1996.

2.Refereed Papers Academic Journals, (titles and references) (Since 1990)

  1. Amami, M., Beghini, G. & LaManna, M. “Use of Project Management Information System for Planning Information System Development Projects”. International Journal of Project Management, vol. 2, No. 1, Feb. 1993
  2. Amami, M. “Future Manufacturing Systems Technology (FMST): Characterization and Competitive Advantage”. Management et Prospective – Louvain – No. 2, April 1994.
  3. Amami, M. « Relations Interorganisationnelles et Diffusion de la Technologie ». Systèmes d’Information et Management, No 2, 1996.
  4. Amami, M. & Brimberg, J. “Universities curriculum design, collaboration and interorganzational information systems”. Forum Journal, 1997.
  5. Amami, M. & Brimberg, J. “Computer Based Learning: Insights from Learning Theories and Information Technology”. Managemennt Science and Regional Development Journal, July 2000.
  6.  Amami, M. & Beghini G. “Project Management and Communication of Product Development through Electronic Document Management”. Project Management Journal, June, 2000.
  7. Amami, M. & Thevenot, J. « L’Internet Marchand : Caractérisation et Positionnement Stratégique ». Systèmes d’Information et Management, 2000, No1.
  8. Amami, M. & Rowe, F. «Commerce Électronique Sur Internet et Organisation ». Sciences de Gestion, No5/6, Juin-Juillet 2001, pp.219-251.
  9. Amami, M. « Nature des Marchés Électroniques. » Systèmes d’Information et Management, 2002, No1.
  10. Amami, M. & Brimberg, J. “web-based Interorganisational Information Systems and Logistics Outsourcing”, Annales Telecommunications (February 2003).
  11. Brimberg, J. & Amami, M., “Applications of a special polynomial class of TSP”, Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research, vol. 15(1), pp. 5-14, 2005.
  12. Najar, Tharwa, Amami, M. “A Multi-Case Study Approach of Interorganizational Information Systems Advantages in the Tunisian Automotive Components Supply Chain”. International Business and Management Vol. 4, No. 2, 2012, pp. 92-110.
  13.  Najar, Tharwa, Amami, M. “Interorganizational Information Systems Advantages: the Case of the Tunisian Automotive Components Supply Chain”. Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal. Special Issue.2012, Vol.13; Issue 3;

3. Article in Edited Book
Amami, M. & Thevenot, J. (2006); “Toward Developing Web Based Support Systems for
Enhanced Trust among Value Web Chains”; in Information Systems and Collaboration: State of the Art and Perspectives; GI-Edition; Series of the Gesellschaft Fur Informatik (GI); Volume P-92; ISBN 978-3-88579-186-7 (2006).


4.Chapters in Edited Book

  • Najar, Tharwa, Amami, M. Chapter 10 (2011). “Interorganizational Relationships:Theoretical Evolution and Success Attributes”; In Economic Behavior, Game Theory, and Technology in Emerging Markets. Edited by Bryan Christiansen & Muslum Basilgan. Published IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA. ISBN: 9781466647466
  • Najar, Tharwa, Amami, M. Chapter 11 (2011). “Interorganizational Information Systems and Interorganizational Relationships”; In Economic Behavior, Game Theory, and Technology in Emerging Markets. Edited by Bryan Christiansen & Muslum Basilgan. Published IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA. ISBN: 9781466647466


5.Invited Papers & Guest Speaker

  • Amami, M., “Coordinating Technologies, Creative Clusters, and the Global Job Shift.” This paper was an invited closing paper for the AI2D Conference in Tozeur, Tunisia December 14-16, 2006.
  • Amami, M. (Guest Speaker). “Knowledge Economy & the New Role of University as a Driver of Creativity”; Conference “ Regards sur les Systèmes d’information et les organizations”; Organized by University of Manouba for the 20th Anniversary of Institut Supérieur de Comptabilité et d’Administration des Entreprises ( ISCAE), 23 -24 February, 2007.
  • Amami, M. (Guest Speaker):“Bounding IT/IS Discipline, Mining IT/IS Research Projects and Publications Alternatives”; Association des Sciences de Gestion, Hammamet, Tunisia, 18-19 March, 2006.
  • Amami, M. (Guest Speaker); ( International Conference on Web and Information Technologies “ICWIT’09 (12-14 June 2009) Subject: “Technology & Media Convergence and Implications”.
  • Amami, M. (Guest Speaker); ( or 5th. International Conference on Information Systems & Economic Intelligence February 16th. – 18th. 2012. Subject: “Web 2.0, Enterprise 2.1 and Supply Chain Management.”
  • Amami, M. (Round Table); (http://ICTO2015Webs) Information Communication Technology Organization Conference (ICTO2015). Paris 12-13 March 2015. Subject: “Agri-food Supply Chain Management for Development”.


6.Papers published in conference proceedings Refereed paper (at least two referees)

  1.  Amami, M., The Use of Integrated Logistics Information Systems (ILIS) For Interfacing Managerial Function Areas. Proceedings of International Congress of Industrial Engineering, ed. by Groupement de Génie Industriel, Marseille, France, December 1993; pp. 129-138.
  2.  Amami, M., Characterizing and Evaluating Future Manufacturing Systems Technology. Congrès de l’Association des Sciences Administratives du Canada, Invited paper, tiré à part, Whistler, B.C., June 1990.
  3. Amami, M. & Marelli, MP, Les Forces Motrices du Partenariat: Alignement des liens électroniques et des Réseaux stratégiques. Proceedings of Colloque International de Management de Réseaux des Entreprises – AJACCIO – France, May 24-26, 1994, pp. 123-133.
  4. Amami, M. & Lizotte, G., L’Entrepreneuriat à l’Echelle Mondiale : Vers un Nouveau Paradigme. Proceedings of Congrès Intenational Francophone de PME, Carthage; Tunisie, Oct.1993.
  5. Amami, M., Alignement des Stratégies des Affaires et des Systèmes d’Information Interorganisationnel dans les Organisations Ouvertes. Proceedings of Congrès Association Management Information, Namur, Mai, 1995.
  6. Amami, M., Relations Interorganisationnelles et Diffusion de la Technologie. Proceedings of Congrès International PME, Paris ; Oct. 1995.
  7. Amami, M., Marelli, M.P. & Khalifa, M.; Business Logistics Outsourcing and Interorganizational Electronic Networks. Proceedings of Colloque International de Management de réseaux d’Entreprises, Lausanne, Suisse, septembre, 1996, tiré à part.
  8. Amami, M., Quality Logistics Planning: A Key for Managing Competitively the Supply Chain. Electronic Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society, POM-2000, April 1-4, 2000, San Antonio, TX.
  9. Amami, M. & Rowe, F., Les oppotunités de Recherche en Commerce Électronique. Proceedings of Association Information Management, Montpellier, 8-9 Nov., 2000, CD ROM Proceedings.
  10. Amami, M., Web Based Supply Chain Outsourcing Networks Driving the E-Commerce Expansion. Proceedings of Association Information Management, Nantes, 7-9 June, 2001.
  11. Amami, M., Marchés Électroniques sur Internet et Désintermédiation. Proceedings of Association Information Management, Nantes, 7-9 June, 2001.
  12. Minnion, M. & Amami, M., IT-Based Learning and Learning Theories: The Case of Distance Education at Royal Military College of Canada. Proceedings of Association Information Management on e-Business and Knowledge Society, Hammamet, June, 2002.
  13. Brimberg, J., Ephraim Korach, Mokhtar Amami. “Applications of a Special Polynomial Class of TPS”; Proceedings of SYM-OP-IS, 2003.
  14. Amami, M. & J. Brimberg. “Technology Diffusion: The Role of Web Systems, Environment and Organizational Factors”, AIM Proceedings, Paris, May 2004.
  15. Amami, M.; “Coordinating Technologies, Creative Clusters and the Global Job Shift.” This paper was an invited closing paper for the AI2D Conference in Tozeur, Tunisia December 14-16, 2006.
  16. Ghodbane, W. & Amami, M. “The New ICT Job Shifts – Opportunities and Threats to Tunisia’s Economy: The Case of El Gazala ICT Cluster in Tunisia” in the refereed conference proceedings at the 2007 International Applied Business Research Conference held in Mazatlan, Mexico, March 26-29, 2007.
  17. Amami, M. “Creative Economy, Collaboration and Coordinating Technology.” Proceedings of AIM07 Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, 19-20 June 2007.
  18. Ennajeh, L. & Amami, M. “Stratégie d’alliance, coopération électronique et performance du Supply Chain.” Proceedings of AIM07 Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, 19-20 June 2007.
  19. El Batti, M. & Amami, M. “Les facteurs influençant l’adoption du mobile commerce en Tunisie : étude exploratoire. ” Proceedings of AIM07 Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, 19-20 June 2007.
  20. Amami, M. & Marelli, MP. “Information Technology based Outsourcing Networks Driving Demand Chain Optimization and E-Commerce Expansion”, Proceedings of eCommerce & Internet Governance, Sousse, 19-20 October 2007.
  21. Mohamed Bou Syoud & Mokhtar Amami. « L’intégration des TIC à l’éducation et l’enseignement en Tunisie: Les opportunités et les défis? »; Proceedings of the Mediterranean Conference on Information System (MCIS), Hammamet, October 2008.
  22. Imen Hleli & Mokhtar Amami. “Impact of security and control on conducting e-business”; Proceedings of the Mediterranean Conference on Information System (MCIS),Hammamet, October 2008.
  23. Leila, Ennajeh & Mokhtar Amami. « Logiciels Libres, Logiciels Propriétaires et facteurs favorisant l’adoption »; Proceedings of the Mediterranean Conference on Information System (MCIS), Hammamet, October 2008.
  24. Amami Mokhtar & Sanaa Daoud. « Impact de la technologie RFID sur la synchronisation du Supply Chain : une étude exploratoire »; Proceeding Association Information Management, AIM 2009
  25. Tharwa Najar & Mokhtar Amami. “Interorganizational Relationships Climate and Interorganizational Information Systems; a Supply Chain Perspective”. Proceedings MCIS 2009, Athens, September 25-27.
  26. Amami Mokhtar & Dorsaf Ben Amor. “Appropriation and Diffusion of electronic business technologies in Supply Chain Management: an examination of Key Drivers and Performance impacts”. Proceeding Association Information Management, LaRochelle, France, May 2010.
  27. Najar, Tharwa & Amami, M. “Interorganizational Information Systems Advantages: the Case of Tunisian Automotive Components Supply Chain”. Proceeding Association Information Management, Bordeaux, France, May 2012.
  28. Tharwa, Najar & Amami, Mokhtar. “A proposed Model of Interorganizational Information Systems Impact in the Supply Chain”. 5th. International Conference on Information Systems & Economic Intelligence, 16-18 February, 2012.
  29. Fourati, Salma & Mokhtar, Amami. “Supply Chain Management synchronization: the role of information technologies in the chain optimization.” 5th. International Conference on Information Systems & Economic Intelligence; February 16th-18th., 2012.
  30. Ennajeh, Leila & Amami Mokhtar. “The Innovative Nature of OSS Development Model.” 5th. International Conference on Information Systems & Economic Intelligence, February 16th-18th., 2012.
  31. Ennajeh, Leila & Amami, Mokhtar. “Toward OSS Adoption: OSSAM”; Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, Verona (Italy), 3-5 September 2014.
  32. Amami, M., “Open Innovation and Web technologies”. Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, Samos (Greece), 3-5 September 2015.


7.Refereed papers based on extended abstract (3 to 4 pages)

  1. Amami, M., Framework for matching CAD/CAM Systems to markets and strategies. Proceedings of International Congress on Industrial Engineering and Management, 11-13 June 86, École Centrale des Arts et Manufactures, France, pp. 377-389.
  2. Amami, M. & Lizotte, G., Linking Project Management to Strategic Management and Information System Planning”. Proceedings of 10th Internet World Congress on Project Management – Management by Projects. Vol. 2, Ed. By MANZ, Vienna, June 1990.
  3. Amami, M., Impact of Information Technology on organizational structures, Decision Making and Project Management. Proceedings of 11th Internet World Congress on Project Management, Florence (Italy), Vol. 1, pp. 51-60, ed. by Unicopoli s.p.a., 1992.
  4. Amami, M. & Marelli, MP. The Application of Decision Support Systems to Project Management in Urban Disasters. Proceedings of Second International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling, Euro, WG-PMS, Compiegne, 20-22 June 1990.
  5. Amami, M. & Jack Brimberg, “Web-Based Supply Chain: potentialities, challenges and research opportunities”, Proceedings Association des Sciences de Gestion, Hammamet, 2004.
  6. Tharwa Najar & Amami, M. “Interorganizational Relationships Attributes and Interorganizational Information Systems in the Supply Chain; Literature Review”. Proceedings of the 10th Management Conference International 2009 (Creativity, Innovation & Management). 25-28 November, Sousse, Tunisia.


8.Accepted for presentation but not included in Conference proceedings

  1. Amami, M., Matching Applications with Technology for Decision Support, Desk-Top on Information Technology Conference, June 1989.
  2. Amami, M. & Gagné, J., L’Entrepreneuriat à l’Échelle Mondiale – Quelques études de cas. 39th International Conference on Small Business, Strasbourg, June 94.
  3. Amami, M., Evaluating Future Manufacturing Systems Technology. Congrès de la Société Canadienne de Recherche Opérationnelle, Ottawa, 22-24 May 1990.


9.Conference Papers (presentation only, full paper is not required (Acceptance is based on abstract)

  1. Amami, M., Towards an Integrative Model for Evaluating Future Manufacturing Technology. ORSA/TIMS, St Louis (Missouri), October 89.
  2. Amami, M., Product Design as a Competitive Weapon. ORSA/TIMS, Vancouver, B.C., May 1989.
  3. Amami, M., Designing Information Architecture for Project Team Support. Third International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling, Como, Italy, July 7, 1992.
  4. Amami, M., Marchés, Hiérarchies, Réseaux et Coordination Électronique. Xième journée de Microéconomie Appliquée, Université de Sfax, Tunisie, June 1993.Amami, M., Critica Success Factors Link Project Management to Business Strategy. Expert on Workshop in Management By Projects, Institute of Project Management, Vienna, Austria, Dec. 1989.


10.Working Papers:

  1. Amami, M., Potential uses of Integrated Logistics Information Systems for creating competitive advantage. CMR, WP 92-01.
  2. Amami, M., Implanter avec succès les technologies avancées de fabrication. CMR, WP 92-02.
  3. Amami, M., Critical Success Factors (CSF) Link Business Strategy to Information Systems. CMR, WP 92-01.
  4. Amami, M., Portfolio Theoretical Approach of Commercial Banks. CMR, WP 93-01.
  5. Amami, M., Culture, Structure and Emergence of Entrepreneurship. CMR, WP 91-01.
  6. Amami, M., Local Computing and Decisions Support: Possibilities and Limitations. WP 90-01, CMR.
  7. Amami, M., Planning Theories for Information Systems. WP 92-03, CMR.

1.Academic Research Program

Subject: “Advanced Manufacturing Technology: Long Range Perspective, Evaluation and Implementation Problems”, Worth: $13 000

2.International Development Research Center (Ottawa)

Subject: “Medium and Small Business competitiveness and Borderless Market”,Worth: $19600

3.Academic Research Program

Subject: Inter-organizational Relationships and Technology Diffusion; Worth: $27 500

4.Academic Research Program

Subject: Logistics Outsourcing and Electronic Networks; Worth: $23 000

5.Academic Research Program

Subject: Project Management, Product development and Electronic Document Management; Worth: $2000

6.Academic Research Program
Subject: Purchasing and Agent- Mediated Electronic Commerce for DND; Worth: $3000

7.Academic Research Program

Subject: Web-Based Supply Chain and the Development of Enhanced Trust and Shared Understanding; Worth: $15000

8.Academic Research Program

Subject: Buyers Decisions of High Technology Products Worth: $5000

  • Association des Sciences Administratives du Canada
  • Association Information Systems (AIS)
  • Canadian Operational Research Society
  • INTERNET – Project Management
  • Inform
  • Association Internationale de Recherche en PME
  • Association Information Management (Ancien membre de la commission Administrative)
  • ICIS (International Conference on Information Systems)
  • “Transfert Technologique, Technologie de l’information et Compétences locales”, North American Tunisian Scientific Society, Polytechnique de Montréal, 25 March 1989.
  • “L’informatisation de la production au Québec”, 24 Nov. Laval, 1988 “Rôle des systèmes d’information dans les Systèmes de Production”, Institut d’Adminstration des Affaires, Aix-En-Provence, France, March 1992.
  • “Les opportunités de Recherche en Commerce Électronique”, École Supérieure des Affaires, Univ. Mendes France, Grenoble, France, March 1998.
  • “Innovation, Partnership, and Incomplete Contracts”, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, March 1996.
  • “Procurement, Governance Mechanisms and Electronic Markets”, Lecture/Discussion, Canadian Forces College, Toronto, Canada, April 1999.
  • “Knowledge Systems and Information Architecture”, Seminar, Canadian Forces College, Toronto, Canada, Mai, 1999.
  • International Congress on Entrepreneurship & Medium and Small Business ((once every three years)
  • Congrès de l’Association Canadienne des Sciences Administratives (once every two years)
  • International Conference on Information Systems (once every two or three years)
  • International Congress on Industrial Engineering (once every 2 years)
  • ORSA/TIMS (once every two years)
  • AIM Conferences (every year)
  • ECIS (once every three years)
  • Others specialized in Conferences (supply Chain Management, Operations Management, Strategic management, etc. Irregular participation).
  • Consultant for implementing computer-aided manufacturing management; Montreal Region, Canada (1986-90).
  • Reviewer for Centre de Productique du Québec, Saint-Jean, Québec, Canada (1988-90).
  • Organisation d’un colloquium sur l’industrie des pâtes et papier (compétition internationale), Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières. Canada (1980).
  • Préparation et organisation d’un colloquium sur la croissance économique et croissance des villes, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada (1978).

“eLearning-based education is a powerful solution to mitigate the challenges ahead and substitute inequality of opportunities by equality of opportunities.”

–Mokhtar AMAMI

John Lennon