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Mokhtar AMAMI is an Emeritus Professor of Strategic Management of Technology and Supply Chain Management (RMC, Kingston, Canada).
He holds a Doctorat D’État ès Sciences Économiques (Sorbonne, Paris) and an Engineering degree from ENSAE Paris-Tech. He received a Post. Doc. Scholarship from The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and was Visiting Fellow in IT/MIS at the Sloan School of Management (MIT, USA). He is currently member of Business Science Institute Faculty.
He was professor of Economics, Strategic Management, Management of Technology, Supply Chain, and Entrepreneurship. He is the founder of “Congrès international entrepreneuriat-PME.” He is a Reviewer for Research Grants Council of Hong Kong and was a Reviewer for National Science Foundation on Decision Risk and Management Science (Washington, D.C.).
He was a Faculty Supervisor of World University Service of Canada (WUSC – 1980), a board member of many academic journals (Entrepreneurship, ICT, Economics) and is the author of books in economics, platform economy and many articles in information economics, ICT-based Supply Chain, eLearning, and project management.