A better education 

   Make future brighter.

“Changing the world through open eLearning that provides free education,
everywhere, any time for all learners to enhance knowledge and awareness and respond to our world challenges.”

Author -Mokhtar AMAMI

Professor Mokhtar Amami

My vision

Open eLearning will be a driving force for raising awareness regarding challenging and complex issues the world is facing. The accelerating pace of technology, the fourth industrial revolution (4IR), the technological unemployment, the climate change, the world population growth, the recent intensity of the immigration flows, and the rising of populism are all interlinked issues. To gain a holistic view regarding these issues, open eLearning helps the world respond massively and collectively to the challenges.
Climate change is a reality. There is no place to hide. The fourth industrial revolution (4IR) and its technology drivers such as robots, machine learning, 3DP, blockchain, and IoT are already here. Their impacts on technological unemployment are perceptible in almost all developed countries and even in manufacturing China. The acceleration of the world population growth and its impacts on immigration flows and sustainability development is creating social and political movements that may lead to serious social unrest.

Responding to these rising phenomena requires the transformation of the traditional education system and the redesign of the curriculum that emphasizes an educated mind, on continuous lifelong learning, collaboration, creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship, and on problem solving mind set. Our vision is that without a massive worldwide open education system and open eLearning infrastructures it will be extraordinary difficult to prepare the current young workers and the nearly two billion plus young generation to the future of work and to tomorrow’s economic-social cultural environment. Moreover, without a global and collective awareness regarding climate change and sustainability development, it will be extraordinarily difficult to counter the effects of climate change, migration flows, and populism. The fundamental premises of economic, social, and cultural reality have shifted. Massive technological unemployment, skills and talent gaps, migration induced population growth and climate change, and more are all issues that may create – without forward thinking and preparation – turbulences, unrest, and serious disruptions to all sectors and all economies. Governments, social actors, business enterprises, and higher education institutions MUST respond. The response is Education Education-Education.

In face of the overwhelming arrival of massive young people on the job market and in an era characterised by the acceleration of technology progress, climate change, the advent of the fourth industrial revolution, and the rise of populism, our vison is to involve policy makers, business enterprises, higher learning institutions, and social actors to build the case of designing and developing a worldwide open eLearning infrastructure to raise awareness about the development sustainability, preparing the massive young people to the 4IR, and building a kind of understanding of the world. The traditional education system, ingrained in an accumulation of learning system that values existing knowledge and aims at shaping the mind to fit an antiquated approach for communicating and behaving, cannot prepare young people for the challenges the world is facing, the 4IR, and societal transformation.

Raising awareness about climate change, the risks of technological unemployment and unpreparedness for the future of work, requires new thinking, strategic vision, and transformation of the current education system. It will be extraordinarily difficult to protect the planet and prepare for the future of work if there is no collective movement worldwide. There is no way out but through an education system that raises self-awareness on climate change, the risks of massive flows of climate-induced migration and the risks of technological unemployment. Self-awareness is critical to augment empathy and perspective-taking and the best way to approach it, is through a free and open eLearning-based education system for all -worldwide. The world has a great opportunity to raise awareness. It is too promising to miss.

Open eLearning allows people to travel without moving to other places, to collaborate and gain a kind of understanding of the varieties of value systems and encourages them to explore issues from different perspectives and write a new and universal narrative of the possible. “The mind once enlightened cannot again become dark!” If we get education right for everyone, then we will escape the traps of climate change, technological unemployment, exponential growth of the world population, and populism.

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